Monday, April 15, 2019

To remove gas from the stomach, remove the domestic packages, lots of gaseous drugs

Those who suffer from gas pain know better how uncomfortable they are. If you eat some puffed rice or Dalit, start with an uncomfortable gas problem. Fast food, busy life, gas, stomach disorders are now at home. Anyone who goes to someone's house, the medication of the gastric leaf 1 is certainly available. But what's the problem with the gaseous gas stack! But there are some household ways that can be easily avoided with gas, chest pain.

Let's discover the following:

Cucumber is a much more effective diet to keep your stomach fresh. Contains flavonoid and anti-inflammatory material that reduces the excretion of the abdomen.

yogurt helps us increase our digestion. Because of this digestion of fast food, which eliminates the problem of gas in the stomach.

Papaya contains enzymes that increase digestion. Regular eating habits of papaya can reduce gas problems.

Bananas and oranges:
Bananas and oranges help eliminate excess sodium in the stomach. This helps with the elimination of gas problems. Apart from this, Banana has the ability to eliminate constipation due to suspension fibers. Eat at least two bananas during the day. To keep the stomach clean, the pair couples tub pairs.

Ginger is one of the most effective anti-inflammatory foods. If the stomach bursts and the gas enters the stomach, takes ginger paste and eats raw khana, you will see that the gas problem will be solved.

Cold milk:
The frozen milk of the acetic acid of the stomach controls the stomach acid. If you drink a glass of cold milk, the acid is far away.

Very good for digestion. A glass of water in half a tablespoon of cinnamon powder and drink it 2 to 3 times a day, the gas is absent.

Ginger is very effective in stomach gas, vomiting, bedroom, blood pressure, etc. If you have a fever, mix 50 grams of ginger drink and mix well with 10 grams of five pills. By using pills once a day, sweating reduces the fever.

Two or three teeth are chewed on one side, chest pain, vomiting, the gas is eliminated. With the odor of the mouth is eliminated.

The irritants are far from eating citrus powders such as cloves.

Mint leaf water:
Eat five cups of mint leaves in a cup of water. There is no alternative to keep the stomach hollow, nausea away.Visit the Page.

Fennel water:
No gas comes into contact with the water while frying the aurora.

Add the pumpkin to the food:
Help clean the fat. Various foods are added to the fat so that those foods do not cause gas in the stomach. You have to be careful to eat and drink. He must know which he is not allowed to eat and which he is not allowed to eat.

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