Thursday, February 28, 2019

ঢাকা দুই সিটি কর্পোরেশন নির্বাচন ২০১৯

আজ   ঢাকা দুই সিটি নির্বাচন
আজ ঢাকা দুই সিটির নির্বাচন অনুষ্টিত হচ্ছে ।সকাল ৮.০০ থেকে ভোট গ্রহন শুরু হয়েছে ভোট গ্রহন চলবে বিকাল ৪.০০ পর্যন্ত ।রাজধানীর বিভিন্ন কেন্দ্র ঘুরে ভোটারের উপস্থিতি খুব কম দেখা যায়।বেলা বাড়ার সাথে সাথে কিছু ভোটারের উপস্থিতি বেড়েছে এবং বিভিন্ন কাউন্সিলর প্রার্থীদের সমর্থকরা কেন্দ্রের সামনে ভোটারদের বিভিন্নভাবে সহযোগিতা করতে দেখা গেছে।ঢাকা উত্তরের নবগঠিত ৫০নং ওয়ার্ডে ৬ জন কাউন্সিলর প্রার্থী নির্বাচনে অংশ গহন করছেন। সবাই আওয়ামীলিগ পন্থি ।এ নির্বাচনে দেশের একটি বড় রাজনৈতিক দল বিএনপি অংশ গ্রহণ না করায় এ নির্বাচন প্রতিদ্বন্দিতা মূলক মনে হচ্ছে না।

ঢাকা উত্তরের সাবেক মেয়র আনিসুল হকের মৃত্যুর কারণে উপনির্বাচন  এবং নবগঠিত ওয়ার্ডে কাউন্সিলর এবং সংরক্ষিত মহিলা আসনে নির্বাচন হচ্ছে।শক্তিশালি কোন প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বি না থাকায় মেয়রপদে আওয়ামীলিগ প্রার্থী আতিকুল ইসলামের জয় প্রায় নিশ্চিত।

ডিএনসিসির মেয়র পদে উপনির্বাচন, নতুন ১৮টি ওয়ার্ডের সাধারণ নির্বাচন, দুইটি ওয়ার্ডে উপনির্বাচন এবং ঢাকা দক্ষিণ সিটির (ডিএসসিসি) নতুন ১৮টি ওয়ার্ডের সাধারণ নির্বাচনের ভোট গ্রহণ চলছে।

প্রধান নির্বাচন কমিশনার যা বললেন

প্রধান নির্বাচন কমিশনার (সিইসিকে এম নুরুল হুদা বলেছেননির্বাচন কমিশন (ইসিভোটের পরিবেশ তৈরি করে তারা ভোটার আনে না তাই আজ দুই সিটির নির্বাচনে ভোটারের উপস্থিতি যে কমএর দায় ইসির না দায় প্রার্থী  রাজনৈতিক দলগুলোরই

আজ বৃহস্পতিবার রাজধানীর উত্তরার আইইএস স্কুল অ্যান্ড কলেজের ভোটকেন্দ্রে নিজের ভোট দিয়ে সাংবাদিকদের সামনে সিইসি এসব কথা বলেন। এ সময় তাঁর সঙ্গে এই নির্বাচনের রিটার্নিং কর্মকর্তা আবুল কাসেম উপস্থিত ছিলেন।

ভোটারের উপস্থিতি কম: ডিএমপি কমিশনার

ডিসিসি নির্বাচনের ভোটের দিন সাংবাদিক ও আইনশৃঙ্খলা রক্ষাকারী বাহিনীর কাছ থেকে এখন পর্যন্ত কোনো অভিযোগ পাওয়া যায়নি। তবে ভোটারের উপস্থিতি কম বলে জানিয়েছেন ঢাকা মেট্রোপলিটন পুলিশ (ডিএমপি) কমিশনার মো. আছাদুজ্জামান মিয়া। আজ বৃহস্পতিবার বাড্ডা সরকারি প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয় পরিদর্শন শেষে সাংবাদিকদের তিনি এ কথা বলেন।

ডিএমপি কমিশনার বলেন, নিরাপত্তার ঝুঁকি নেই। সাংবাদিক ও আইনশৃঙ্খলা রক্ষাকারী বাহিনীর কাছ থেকে এখন পর্যন্ত কোনো অভিযোগ পাওয়া যায়নি। তবে পর্যবেক্ষণ করে দেখেছি, ভোটারের উপস্থিতি কম।

প্রধান নির্বাচন কমিশনার (সিইসি) কে এম নুরুল হুদা বলেছেন, নির্বাচন কমিশন (ইসি) ভোটের পরিবেশ তৈরি করে। তারা ভোটার আনে না। তাই আজ দুই সিটির নির্বাচনে ভোটারের উপস্থিতি যে কম, এর দায় ইসির না। দায় প্রার্থী ও রাজনৈতিক দলগুলোরই।

আজ বৃহস্পতিবার রাজধানীর উত্তরার আইইএস স্কুল অ্যান্ড কলেজের ভোটকেন্দ্রে নিজের ভোট দিয়ে সাংবাদিকদের সামনে সিইসি এসব কথা বলেন। এ সময় তাঁর সঙ্গে এই নির্বাচনের রিটার্নিং কর্মকর্তা আবুল কাসেম উপস্থিত ছিলেন।

বিএনপির প্রতিক্রিয়া

বিএনপির জ্যেষ্ঠ যুগ্ম মহাসচিব রুহুল কবির রিজভী অভিযোগ করেছেন, ঢাকা উত্তর সিটি করপোরেশন উপনির্বাচনের ভোট আগের রাতে হয়ে গেছে। এখন শুধু আনুষ্ঠানিকতা সম্পন্ন করা হচ্ছে। দিন শেষে ফল ঘোষণা করা হবে।

আজ বৃহস্পতিবার সকালে রাজধানীর নয়াপল্টনে বিএনপির কেন্দ্রীয় কার্যালয়ে সংবাদ সম্মেলনে সাংবাদিকের প্রশ্নের জবাবে রুহুল কবির রিজভী এ কথা বলেন।

রুহুল কবির রিজভী বলেন, একটি কথা আছে, সেটি হলো ছায়ার সঙ্গে যুদ্ধ করে গাত্র হলো ব্যথা। আমরা কার সঙ্গে যুদ্ধ করব? তিনি বলেন, নির্বাচনে কোনো প্রতিযোগিতা নেই। প্রতিযোগিতাহীন এমন নির্বাচনে আমরা কেন অংশ নেব?

সরকারের বিরুদ্ধে অভিযোগ করে রিজভী বলেন, গণতন্ত্রের উত্তাপ, প্রতিযোগিতা হত্যা করেছে সরকার। প্লাস্টিক সার্জারি করে নিজেদের চেহারা ঢাকতে চেষ্টা করছে। কিন্তু 'স্বৈরশাহীর নির্মম-নিষ্ঠুর' চেহারা বেরিয়ে আসছে।

রুহুল কবির রিজভী বলেন, প্রধান নির্বাচন কমিশনার বলেছেন রাজনৈতিক দলগুলো নির্বাচনে অংশ না নেওয়া কমিশনের জন্য অস্বস্তিকর। সিইসি তাঁর এই বক্তব্যে স্বীকার করে নিলেন যে জনগণ ও দেশের রাজনৈতিক দলগুলোর কাছে তাঁদের কোনো গ্রহণযোগ্যতা নেই। যে দেশে ভোটের আগের রাতেই ব্যালট পেপারে সিল মেরে ব্যালট বাক্স ভর্তি করা হয়, ভোট চুরি হয়, সেই নির্বাচন কমিশন ধিক্কার ছাড়া অভিনন্দন পাওয়ার যোগ্য নয়।

রিজভী বলেন, 'জনগণকে ভোট প্রদান থেকে প্রতারিত করা হয়েছে। সিইসির আজ্ঞাবহ জীবনদর্শনের জন্য গণতন্ত্র এখন রাহুগ্রস্ত। ৩০ ডিসেম্বরে ভোট চুরির মহোৎসব করে একটা অবৈধ শাসকগোষ্ঠীকে রাষ্ট্রক্ষমতায় বসিয়ে দেশকে গভীর সংকটে নিপতিত করার মূল হোতাই হচ্ছেন সিইসি কে এম নুরুল হুদা। কাজেই জনগণ এবং রাজনৈতিক দলগুলো এখন নির্বাচন কমিশন থেকে মুখ ফিরিয়ে নিয়েছে।  visit our site for health and fitness.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

The Eventual fate of studs

In our new Forecast Friday arrangement, we will investigate our precious stone ball to foresee what will be enormous in the realm of gems for the months ahead. What's more, who preferred to help us over the fashioners who are setting the patterns, as they develop?

This week we are focussing on the ear since this is a district of the body where things have been getting intriguing. In light of the quantity of penetrating gatherings I've been welcome to in the previous couple of months, a couple of studs simply doesn't cut it any longer. In any case, will the pattern for various hoops proceed? Also, will 2017 see the arrival of the loop? visit our site for health and fitness.


Stirring up studs as opposed to wearing them as sets and getting them uniquely has turned out to be popular to the point that driving fine gems e-rear has made another segment on its site committed to them. "We are loading and moving such a significant number of," says proprietor Joanne Teichman. "We have had clients get additional piercings – me included – to wear the look, which is crisp and individual to the wearer." Meanwhile, in London,  鑽石 setter Robinson Pelham as of late propelled Stud Club, an assigned zone in its Chelsea boutique dedicated solely to its bright accumulation of stud hoops. "Every one of these studs can be worn blend and match, no sets required, no symmetry required, no shading coordinating, no principles," clarifies Zoe Benyon, prime supporter of Robinson Pelham. What's more, confounded studs aren't going anyplace, as indicated by London-based adornments planner Annouhska Ducas.visit the site for varius information. "They will keep on being a colossal pattern pushing ahead into the new year," she predicts.

Ear stacks    

An augmentation – up the projection – of the crisscrossed pattern, ear stacks are additionally setting down deep roots. "What better approach to express your uniqueness than with an ear brimming with fantastic, tradable studs of every single distinctive shape, sizes and hues, regardless of whether they be ear sleeves, sticks, studs or bands," says Ducas. She suggests blending metals and playing with scale. "I adore wearing one marvelous stud as an announcement piece, for example, my Alphabet Hoopla Hoop, or layering hoops simply like you generally would with stacking rings." New York-based adornments originator Jane Taylor concurs: "I imagine that the blend and-match pattern of very customized 'ear stacks' is going to proceed, as individuals continue appreciating the assorted stud choices accessible."

The arrival of circles

The circle stud is ready to make a rebound in all shapes and sizes, predicts Taylor. "My gut is disclosing to me that we're going to see a greater resurgence and re-investigation of bands." Greek diamond setter Nikos Koulis concurs: "After quite a while, I am returning to loops and roundabout plans. You'll see more in my new accumulation with pearls, named Lingerie, which I will display at Baselworld." Koulis and Taylor are not by any means the only ones will's identity propelling loops sooner rather than later. Venyx's spring/summer accumulation for 2017 incorporates this sharp pair underneath.

Explanation shading

The pattern for larger than usual hoops in splendid hues was everywhere throughout the catwalks for spring/summer 2017. Lydia Courteille has named the style "rover young lady", and even exemplary brands like Buccellati are grasping the look. Its new Hawaii Color studs, beneath, with cut loops of green jadeite blissfully muddled with gold, are a genuine break from convention for the Italian high gems house. Or then again chase out plans like Courteille's shoulder-skimming Topkapi studs, a beautiful sweet of sea greens/blues, opals, rubies, sapphires and tsavorites.

Materials utilized in uncommon ways… and bizarre materials

I anticipate we will see more experimentation in the year ahead as development keeps on being a noteworthy wellspring of motivation for gem dealers. Nikos Koulis adores playing with various materials, yet not for it. "They should work agreeably together," he clarifies. "I trust that announcement studs aren't synonymous with insane ear sleeves." In his new Oui hoops, underneath, he shrewdly utilizes dark veneer to make an outline instead of shading in.

Watch out for materials not typically found in fine adornments moreover. For spring/summer 2017, London's Ioanna Souflia, who propelled her eponymous image a year ago, has made a container accumulation of gems in matte dark Bardiglio Imperiale marble diverged from warm rose gold and jewels, including the delightful pair of drop studs worn by the model in our lead picture.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Inconceivable Investor Shocks

 Investor Shocks :

Paul Mampilly advantage asset the board association extended from $3 billion to $25 billion in the midst of his residency. In 2008, he changed a $50 million record into $88 million, a 76% return in the midst of a standout amongst the most exceedingly awful years for stocks on record. In addition, his own notoriety fuses such titanic victories as a 696% expansion on Ariad Pharmaceuticals, 736% on Coeur Mining and 2,539% on Sarepta Therapeutics – stocks by far most had never anytime thought about.

Nevertheless, starting late Paul left Wall Street to start another undertaking on Main Street. 

Fundamentally, he empowers individuals to research his shoulder and see the stocks he would some way or another recommend for his rich clients. Likewise, the results have been astounding. 

By virtue of Paul's examination, people are reporting benefitting hand over grip hand.

One noteworthy man, Pete G., says he's up "well over $100,000" in view of Paul.

Another man, Charles H., place $4,000 in one of Paul's picks and made $120,000.

Besides, inconceivably, one couple from upstate New York place $175,000 into one of Paul's recommendations two years back and today. They starting late sent us a screen catch of their endeavor account and – in light of Paul – today their all out resources has shot up to $15 million! 

Regardless, Paul says the proposition he made that helped these individuals neglect to measure up to the one advancement he's centering for his next recommendation. 

The association holds the KEY to one advancement – set to amaze the world – flooding from a $20 billion industry today to one worth $15.7 trillion by 2025.

That is 76,000% advancement from the present the site.

The best part is that you can buy the association at the front line of this development today as it trades for just 1/30th the expense of its genuine opponents. 

That is the reason Paul starting late tried to record a presentation he accommodated a get-together of tip top agents. While he at first expected for this prologue to be seen by a little gathering of spectators, Paul released a propelled copy of first experience with get this message out to whatever number people as could sensibly be normal. visit the blog.

The last on different occasions Paul gave a presentation like this one, the stocks he recommended shot up with zenith increments of over 300%, 125% and 524%.

Regardless, Paul says this one association won't trade at this low measurement for long once Wall Street fathoms its real potential. If you watch this video inside the hour, and put even a little stake into the association Paul is proposing, it could result in remarkable fortunes as this industry floods 76,000%.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Circle Recreations

Circle Recreations are an extraordinary method to urge the entire class to cooperate. They additionally give a regularly welcome change in working example.To get more service click here.


They are for the most part utilized with youthful students, yet young people will play them thus will the correct sort of grown-up class: one that doesn't consider itself excessively important. 

1.What are circle diversions?
2.Why and when?
3.Managing circle diversions with youthful students 

What are circle diversions? 

Circle recreations are any amusements or movement that include the entire class, sitting around. A large number of the amusements reuse vocabulary and include a component of fun. I might want to plot a determination of my most loved circle amusements that can be utilized in youthful student and grown-up classes. A portion of the thoughts were given to me by associates or they are great youngsters' gathering amusements which have been adjusted to the English dialect classroom. I don't profess to have created them all myself!

Why and when? 

These days, in the realm of EFL, match work and work in little gatherings is especially in mold. The informative methodology urges educators to utilize a great deal of combine work and consequently increment 'understudy talking time'. I trust that for a gathering to gel and for a decent gathering dynamic to win there are times when the class should cooperate overall. Circle amusements are a decent chance to unite the gathering. I will in general use them to begin or finish of a class. They can be utilized as warmers toward the start of a class or as a 'filler' toward the end.

A few of the exercises, for example, Chain illustrations and Consequences are extraordinary for when you need to complete a very late substitution class for a partner. Next to no material is required, they're reasonable for all dimensions and a great deal of dialect can be produced. 

Overseeing circle amusements with youthful students 

Circle amusements can be joined into the ordinary daily schedule of a youthful student class. On the off chance that understudies are acquainted with working in an entire gathering from the earliest starting point of a course it is simpler to set up the guidelines and worthy conduct for this sort of action. They ought to be seen by the understudies as an ordinary piece of the class and clear parameters ought to be set about what is and isn't adequate conduct while taking part around diversion. Visit the Page for land service.

In the event that you have never utilized any circle recreations and need to begin, set up the class before the understudies arrive and start the class with one of the straightforward exercises. It might make a pleasant change and it additionally offers you a chance to welcome every understudy on entry and do the enlist. 

Address youthful students about the significance of tuning in to individual understudies and regarding each other's talking time and turns. To quiet energetic understudies and center them, attempt some essential TPR exercises which request their fixation. For instance, 'In case you're prepared to begin the action, contact your nose', 'In case you're prepared to begin the amusement, point to the entryway'. At the point when understudies become acquainted with the daily practice and the exercises you can select one of them to begin the amusement and lead it.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Early Youth Education

The early youth section of human improvement usually degrees from beginning to 8 years. Due to the fact these are very critical developmental years, the training administered to kids is designed to make contributions to their ordinary development. In the course of this segment of adolescence improvement, maximum youngsters learn thorough amusing sports or play. In keeping with current studies, the primary eight years of lifestyles is the period of human development wherein essential mind development takes place. visit the site for investnent.As a result, nutrients, human interaction, and schooling for the duration of those years significantly impact a infant's brain improvement. Conversely, terrible vitamins and schooling, mainly loss of gambling and interest based totally schooling, can negatively impact a infant's mind development. Therefore, the early schooling a infant receives could have lasting influences at some point of their lives. Jumpstart your training! Discover faculty programs near you.Vist the Page for land service.

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Due to the fact that studies has shown that early youth brain development is connected to training, dad and mom have to begin at an early age teaching their youngsters. They shouldn't wait until they enter school. Kids who start to get hold of education at an early age generally revel in advanced emotional, social, and brain improvement. More importantly, brain development in the course of the ages in early adolescence happens at high prices. Parents have to recognize the first 8 years of their children's lives are critical years for identity development. During those years, youngsters develop a self identity and start to shape relationships. Also, they begin to expand an expertise of ways private conduct impacts them. As a result, it is endorsed that children research thru play and pastime based training. Likewise, maximum professionals agree with that play and interest primarily based learning undoubtedly contributes to kid's emotional improvement. Given that gambling usually calls for the usage of multiple motor and intellectual functions, youngsters develop numerous talents as nicely. Play based totally gaining knowledge of also aids youngsters in growing morals and social skills.Click here to get our sevice.

Topics and assets

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Instructional and cognitive benefits of gaining knowledge of a overseas language
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Kindergarten readiness

Friday, February 1, 2019

Entertainment journalism

Entertainment journalism is any form of journalism that focuses on the entertainment industry and its products. Like fashion journalism, entertainment journalism includes industry-specific news and the general public focuses on those who work in the industry itself. Common forms include television and film criticism, music journalism, video game journalism and coverage for celebrities. The rise of the internet allowed many amateur and semi-professional journalists to start their own blogs related to entertainment journalism.Click here to get our serice.

Comparison with journalistic journalism.

News journalism engages with information about current events or reports of events that have taken place previously. The main purpose of this type of journalism is to keep entertainment journalists informed about information from the entertainment industry, such as films, music, fashion, video games, etc. The main purpose of this kind of journalism is to entertain.
Journalists can distort the facts in a particular matter, making their story an entertainment. This action can have a profound effect on the consumer, making the authenticity of the report questionable. Cases of this problem can occur in news articles, magazines and documentaries. Nettainment has several current news news values.

Popular forms

A review or analysis of a film presented to the public. Criticism or critical analysis is subjective and informative, with a focus on informing and entertaining the consumer. It is assumed that the criticism of the film has had a major influence on the integration of cinema in the regular media. It is claimed that film criticism was not fully accepted as an art until the film was generally accepted in the 1960s. The internet has come further in the acceptance of this entertainment journalism with the introduction of film blogs and review sites. of films. Film review sites and blogs include Rotten Tomatoes, IMDb and Metacritic. See Movie Reviews for more information on this topic.visit the Page for land service                           
Videogame journalism

A form of journalism that covers all aspects of the video game industry. The birth of the computer age in the nineties forced media companies to launch content that would appeal to consumers in generating video games. Printed magazines for visual stimulation, which included the video game industry, were introduced to the market. The magazines contain IGN, Game Informer, Nintendo Power and GameSpot. See Video Game Journalism for more information on this topic.You can visit our Jewellery site.

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